Can I use eMIMS with Citrix MetaFrame?
Application Server-based technology can enable remote access to programs running on a centralised server, and is particularly attractive to large, widely dispersed organisations.
Official Position
The use of eMIMS with Application Server-based technology such as Windows Terminal Server or Citrix MetaFrame is not supported.
Having said that… many of our larger customers use eMIMS with Application Server-based technology to their advantage.
Hints for using eMIMS with Application Server-based technology
- Remember that the program actually runs on the server. It must be installed as a standalone program – install it by running SETUP.EXE. Do not try to install it by running SERVER.EXE
- Issue updates are applied by running SETUP.EXE
- Some solutions require a special cache of system files that are made available to each application session. You may need to copy some installed files to this cache location from their normal installed location (eg C:\Windows\System32\).
- The users still need Read/Write/Create permissions.
- It is up to each organisation to ensure the their use of eMIMS remains legal. The number of concurrent users should not be allowed to exceed the number of licences held.