How often is the application updated?
MIMS updates the medicines data each month with at least 150 changes to the product information each month.
It is very important therefore that users of eMIMS ensure that they have the latest information at their fingertips.
We send an updated eMIMS DVD three times per year (April, August and December) for our clients to install on their computers.
However, in between these DVD releases the monthly updates are available from our website for downloading.
Before downloading the monthly updates, please ensure to:
- Install the latest eMIMS Classic DVD release.
- Close/exit any running eMIMS Classic software on the computer. For clients running the network mode, close/exit eMIMS Classic on all PC terminals prior to applying the updates.
- Apply and run the downloaded monthly updates in sequential order (example: January first then February followed by March). This means that you need to apply the updates in the order that they were released.